Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Storm Passes Thru

Big rain storm just passed through - was raining and lightening like in a movie . . . then a patch of blue opened in the west, rolled in and the rain stopped!

It was quite a downpour, but now, all's quiet on the western front!

Here's the picture as it started to clear - glad I had a camera with me!


  1. Even thunderstorms are more beautiful in Door County!

  2. The natural beauty of Door County is spectacular. . .

  3. I love the thunderstorms in Door County, the sky is awesome.

  4. Hey, we were camping this day when the storm came up! We just left our campsite, parked looking over the water, and ate supper in the car. What else could we do? The sky was gorgeous, and we took similar pictures of the "bubbly" clouds. For the rest of the evening we sat around the campfire. Directly above us was perfectly clear sky, but all around us we could see flashes of lightning. It was amazingly beautiful.

  5. It was a quick moving storm, with beautiful skies afterwards. Glad you enjoyed it too, Michele!


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